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Sexual Health


2019-2020 School Year

Dear Families:

The California Healthy Youth Act, which took effect January 2016, requires school districts to provide students with integrated, comprehensive, accurate, and inclusive comprehensive sexual health education and HIV prevention education at least once in middle and high school. TUSD will be providing this instruction to students in the 7th and 9th grade. Below is the timeline of the Comprehensive Sexual Health and HIV Prevention instruction:

  • K-8 Schools will be providing Comprehensive Sexual Health and HIV Prevention Education instruction on November 18-22, 2019 
  • Middle and High Schools will be providing Comprehensive Sexual Health and HIV Prevention Education instruction on January 6-10, 2020  

Your 7th and/or 9th grade student is currently enrolled in a Science and/or English class that will be receiving this curriculum and instruction during the time frame stated above. If you do not wish for your child to be present during the Comprehensive Sexual Health and HIV Prevention instruction, please complete the attached opt-out consent form and return it to your child’s school office prior to the beginning of instruction. If the school site does not receive an opt-out form for your child, s/he will be receive this instruction.

You can find more information on the Comprehensive Sexual Health and HIV Prevention curriculum on your child’s school site website or district website under the “parents” tab.

Thank you,
Tracy Unified School District


The California Healthy Youth Act, which took effect January 1, 2016, requires school districts to provide students with integrated, comprehensive, accurate, and inclusive comprehensive sexual health education and HIV prevention education, at least once in high school and once in middle school.