The deadline to order your cap & gown for Graduation is March 1st.
The deadline to order your cap & gown for Graduation is March 1st.
Need help with your FASFA or CADAA Application?
Where: WHS College & Career Center
When: Wednesday March 12th @ 5-7PM
Items to Bring to the Workshop:
Assistance in Spanish available
Merrill F. West FFA has begun their Spring See's Candy fundraiser. You can support our school's FFA chapter through the shop linked below. This fundraiser helps us bring amazing leadership building opportunities to our chapter and the 600+ members we have.
The best part? It ships directly to your door, so no worries about scheduling a pick up or deliver! This fundraiser goes until March 7th. Get yourself a sweet treat.
Summer school for credit recovery is available this year. It is a great way to get back "on track" and/or retake a course to meet A-G requirements of a "C" or better. Credit Recovery Summer School is not meant to get ahead on credits.
Only one submission per student.
Priority given to 12th, 11th, 10th and if space is available to 9th grade students.
Please sign up, we'd love to help you succeed and make sure you're all set for next year! Use the link below or the QR codes on the flyers to sign up. You should receive confirmation after signing up.
TUSD is happy to announce that
Heather Reyburn has been named
Principal of Monte Vista Middle School